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Making Room for Self-Care

eft goals health self-help stress tapping Feb 06, 2024

If you are busy and tired, you’ve probably heard the advice to “prioritize self-care.”  You’d like to do that, but you just don’t know how.  Your schedule is already packed – whether it’s working, going to school, caregiving, starting a side hustle, or some combination.  Finding ways to eliminate, automate, and delegate tasks is essential for creating more time for self-care.  Here are some practical strategies:


  1. Non-Essential Commitments
    • Identify non-essential commitments or activities and consider temporarily or permanently eliminating them.
  2. Unnecessary Meetings
    • Attend only the meetings that are crucial.
  3. Time-Wasting Habits
    • Notice habits that consume too much of your time unnecessarily, such as excessive screen time.
  4. Perfectionism
    • Focus on completing tasks well rather than obsessing over perfection.
  5. Overcommitting
    • Learn to say no to additional responsibilities or commitments.


  1. Bill Payments and Finances
    • Set up automatic bill payments to save time on managing finances.
  2. Grocery Shopping
    • Use online grocery services or subscription services that automate regular deliveries.
  3. Appointment Reminders
    • Use digital calendars to automate reminders for appointments and important dates.
  4. Email Filters
    • Use filters and labels to automatically organize and prioritize emails.
  5. Household Chores
    • Invest in devices that make chores automatic, like robot vacuums or programmable thermostats.


  1. Childcare and Responsibilities
    • Share caregiving responsibilities with family members, friends, or hired help.
  2. Household Chores
    • Delegate specific household chores to family members or consider hiring help.
  3. Meal Preparation
    • Explore meal delivery services or involve others in meal planning and preparation.
  4. Errands
    • Delegate errands to friends, family, or consider using delivery services for groceries and other necessities.
  5. Professional Support
    • Hire professionals for tasks like lawn care, cleaning, or home maintenance.

Self-Care Strategies

  1. Schedule Self-Care Time
    • Block dedicated time in your schedule for self-care activities and treat it as a non-negotiable commitment. If you don’t have much time available, a simple 15-minute morning routine of 5 minutes to meditate/pray + 5 minutes to journal + 5 minutes to move (such as pushups and squats) could be a good place to start.
  2. Create a Support System
    • Communicate your needs to friends and family and build a support system that can step in when necessary.
  3. Get Away Periodically
    • Break up your regular routine by getting away for a day, a weekend, or a week. If you are a caregiver in need of a break, find a respite provider to help you. Check out the ARCH National Respite Network.
  4. Online Resources
    • Use online resources and apps that offer relaxation exercises, guided meditations, or quick workouts. Visit my YouTube channel for tap along videos.
  5. Professional Counseling
    • Seek professional counseling or therapy to manage stress and emotional well-being.

Remember that self-care is not selfish.  It is essential for maintaining overall health and the ability to care for others. By strategically eliminating, automating, and delegating tasks, you can create more time and space for self-care without feeling overwhelmed.