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Finding Peace of Mind About Your Money eft goals stress tapping Jul 24, 2024

“Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; it empties today of its strength.” – Corrie Ten Boom


What stands between you and peace of mind about your money?  See if any of these issues resonate with you and discover practical solutions to overcome them:


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Unlock Your Learning Potential as an Adult eft goals tapping Jul 14, 2024

“It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” – Albert Einstein

Do you have trouble learning new things as an adult?  Are you hesitant to start something new because you’re worried about the outcome?  It doesn’t have to be...

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Overcoming Travel Fears: Tips for Confident Adventures eft goals social stress tapping Jul 10, 2024

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”–André Gide

Is something holding you back from traveling and exploring the world?  Whether it’s apprehension about flying, being on a boat, driving a car, or worrying about...

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Improve Your Life Through Play eft goals social stress tapping Jul 03, 2024

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw

We are careful to plan our work and organize our schedules, but we often neglect the essential counterpart to all this structure: play.  Contrary to popular...

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Mid-Year Goal Review: A Step-by-Step Guide eft goals self-help stress tapping Jun 25, 2024

“You can’t change what you don’t measure.” – Peter Drucker

Now is the perfect time to reflect on your progress and reassess your goals for this year.  Whether you’re on track, need to make adjustments, or want to set new goals, this guide will help...

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10 Tips for Better Sleep eft goals health self-help sleep stress tapping May 29, 2024

“Sleep is the chief nourisher in life’s feast.” – William Shakespeare

Getting enough sleep is crucial, yet frequently overlooked.  In fact, sleep deprivation is often treated as a badge of honor. In college, I often slept only 4-6 hours a night, relying on caffeine...

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Be More Consistent: Ask Yourself These Questions eft goals self-help tapping May 14, 2024

“Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.” – John C. Maxwell

What would you like to be more consistent with in your life?  Whether it’s exercising regularly, connecting with friends, or saving money,...

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10 Tips for Trying New Things eft goals self-help tapping Mar 20, 2024

Trying new things can break us out of a rut, but sometimes it’s hard to do. We can be held back by things like fear of failure, overwhelm, time constraints, fear of judgment, lack of confidence, perfectionism, or previous negative experiences.  Stepping outside our comfort zone can be...

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10 Tips to Start and Maintain an Exercise Routine eft fitness goals health self-help Mar 05, 2024

Even though we know exercise is good for us, getting our bodies in motion can be tough.  It can be difficult to get started and stay consistent.  We can’t always count on feeling motivated, so what can we do?  Here are some practical tips to help you start and maintain an...

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Making Room for Self-Care eft goals health self-help stress tapping Feb 06, 2024

If you are busy and tired, you’ve probably heard the advice to “prioritize self-care.”  You’d like to do that, but you just don’t know how.  Your schedule is already packed – whether it’s working, going to school, caregiving, starting a side...

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Breaking the Habit of Procrastination eft goals self-help stress tapping Jan 31, 2024

Procrastination is a common challenge that affects various aspects of our lives, from work and school assignments to household tasks like paying bills or completing home projects.  The reasons we procrastinate vary based on our individual priorities, preferences, and circumstances. 


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Consulting Your Second Brain eft goals self-help stress tapping Jan 24, 2024

Sometimes we have decisions and challenges that don’t seem to easily solvable with just our brain. Our gut, also known as the enteric nervous system (ENS), steps in like a second brain. The ENS, a network of neurons in our GI tract, regulates digestive processes and communicates with the...

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