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10 Strategies to Counter Winter Blues eft health self-help tapping Feb 13, 2024

Winter months bring holidays and new beginnings, which can be enjoyable.  But the fewer hours of daylight and gloomier weather can take a toll on our moods and energy levels.  Our outdoor activities and social interactions are often hindered during this period.   This is...

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Making Room for Self-Care eft goals health self-help stress tapping Feb 06, 2024

If you are busy and tired, you’ve probably heard the advice to “prioritize self-care.”  You’d like to do that, but you just don’t know how.  Your schedule is already packed – whether it’s working, going to school, caregiving, starting a side...

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Breaking the Habit of Procrastination eft goals self-help stress tapping Jan 31, 2024

Procrastination is a common challenge that affects various aspects of our lives, from work and school assignments to household tasks like paying bills or completing home projects.  The reasons we procrastinate vary based on our individual priorities, preferences, and circumstances. 


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Consulting Your Second Brain eft goals self-help stress tapping Jan 24, 2024

Sometimes we have decisions and challenges that don’t seem to easily solvable with just our brain. Our gut, also known as the enteric nervous system (ENS), steps in like a second brain. The ENS, a network of neurons in our GI tract, regulates digestive processes and communicates with the...

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Tips for Cutting Back on Sugar eft fitness goals health self-help tapping Jan 16, 2024

Often people who want to reduce their consumption of sugar give up because it’s just too difficult. If you’re looking to cut back or even eliminate sugar from your diet, here are 10 practical tips you can use:

Knowing your “why” can help you make it through...

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Power of Believing You Can Improve goals self-help self-talk Jan 09, 2024

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” - Henry Ford

If you’ve ever read or heard anything about “mindset” it was likely referencing the work of psychologist Carol Dweck, known for her 2007 book Mindset: The New Psychology of...

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Jar of Good Things gratitude Jan 03, 2024

Sometimes we get to the end of the year and can’t remember much of what happened. I have a solution for you: make and use a Jar of Good Things.

Here are the supplies you will need:
• An empty jar
• A stack of small pieces of paper
• A pen

The jar can be anything from a simple...

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How I Got Started With EFT eft self-help stress tapping Dec 27, 2023

In 2012, I went through a dental experience that left me with intense anxiety about going to the dentist. The mere thought of scheduling a dentist appointment became overwhelming. Prior to this incident, dental visits were routine and my feelings about going were neutral. However, this new dental...

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10 Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress eft gratitude stress tapping Dec 19, 2023

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and connection, offering a break from our daily routines. For many of us the festivities are also accompanied by stress that can dampen our enjoyment. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

We can employ strategies to help us counteract that...

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A Fresh Perspective on Health Goals fitness goals health self-help Dec 13, 2023

When someone brings up “health goals” what’s the first thing that comes to mind?  For many, it’s often “losing weight.” Dr. Gabrielle Lyon offers a unique perspective on this in her best-selling book Forever Strong: A New, Science-Based Strategy for Aging...

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Lessons from Water with Dr. Masaru Emoto gratitude love mindfulness self-talk Dec 06, 2023

Dr. Masaru Emoto in his book The Hidden Messages in Water recounts astonishing results from years of water experiments.  He froze water from different locations and photographed the ice crystals.  Different water formed different crystals.  Some water, such as tap water, formed no...

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10 Goal Setting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them eft goals self-help tapping Nov 29, 2023

Do you have trouble setting and accomplishing your goals?  See if you are making any of these common mistakes.  Try adjusting your goals with the tips listed here.

#1 Vague Goals

Mistake: The goal is too general or vague.  “I can be more organized.”

Solution: Make it...

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